Children's Ministry
Let the little children come to me...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
It is our greatest privilege to shepherd the hearts of children that they may be instructed in the faith and know of the great love of the Father for them. It is also our greatest privilege to learn from them, our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, young though they may be! This instruction and learning takes more than a Sunday morning, and more than a single children's minister -- it takes the whole community of faith!

What to Expect on Sundays
Children ages 2 and older will be dismissed after our first songs and sent to the children's chapel area. Here children will hear the Gospel through Bible stories, songs, and creative play, all in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. We will rejoin the service at the passing of the peace so that children can join their families to receive communion.
Children are always welcome to stay in the service with their families.
Beyond Sundays
Instruction in the faith does not end on Sunday morning, it is at home in the day-to-day that formation truly takes shape. To encourage and assist families in this process, resources and updates on our lessons will be sent home with the kids in hopes that these things encourage ongoing faith formation in the home.
Trained Staff and Volunteers
We have a great team of volunteers who have been screened and trained to minister to our children. View our kids ministry policies here. For more information on the screening process, click here.

Emma Colletti, Children's Ministry Coordinator